The contents of this issue:
page: Tubman at Pelletizing plant in Buchanan.
2:Christmas Greetings From The General Manager, and
From The Editor. Picture of fountain and Open Door Theatre
at night. This is the fountain that, in my (PTh)
memory, worked for about a total of 2 days in the period
1965 to 1968.
3: Tubman Visits Site of Pelletizing Plant. Pictures.
4: Catholics To Run Schools In Yekepa. Picture of E-school.
5: Our Swedish Guests Said They Were Impressed. Pictures
of visitors and locals.
6: LIO Income Continues On The Upward Trend. Lamco Lodge
Is Closed. Picture of Christmas shoppers lining up outside
Open Door Theatre.
7: Pocus On Personnel. Picture of Roger Masthagen. Picture
of Pool by night. Pictur eof people reading Lamco News.
8: Lamco Praised at Buchanan Fair. Pictures of new bridge
over St. John's River and Fair.
Do you have some comments to the
material in this issue of Lamco News? Please let us know
and we will add it to this page. Drop the editors an email,
or send an email to the Yekepa mailing
list to discuss with others.