Image 48. Ulf Olsson has this picture of
the water works. Early 1960s. |
Image 49. At the water works.Ulf Olsson. |
Image 50. Ulf Olsson. |
16. Where is this?
Peter Gaul sauggests it may be the entrance
to the VTC. Comments? |
17. Is this view from Yekepa? Perhaps Grassfield? |
18. The Open House cinema. The rock balanced
on steel poles dates the picture - but exactly
when? |
19. Sandy Clarkes Square. |
20. |
21. Anybody recognise the people? |
22. |
23. Cold Store on left, library at right. |
24. Dogs. |
25. |
26. Outisde the TeleFunken store - how long
did it stay there? Run by a German lady named,
perhaps?, Brackebusch. |
27. The side of the Cold Store. |
28. |
29. Area B. As seen from Recreation Building. |
30. Outside the Open Door theater. |
31. Rainy day. |
32. In the Textile workshop of the Recreation
Building. Merete Thejll holding fabric n left.
Others? Tell
us! |
33. Sewing machines in the Textile Workshop. |
34. Rainy season at the Main Office Building. |
35. Fruit-selling lady outside Circle II
in Area F. |
36. Mists on the Mountain, as seen from
F56. |
37. Guys at a meeting - who - Åke
Karlsson, standing up, says Gert
Nilsson. Tell
us more. |
38. Lennart Broberg
says that the guy sitting in the middle definitely
is Jose Campos, Spanish, who was the chief
controller in Lamco, and a very good tennis
player. |
39. Mission control at NASA? |
40.Lennart Petersson.
Was in Yekepa 1963-68, and again 1985-1987,
then named Wittenby. |
41. Something being built. |
42. |
43. A really big engine. Electricity power
plant? |
44. Ore bins. |
45. The scales, for loading ore cars. |
46. Ore dumps into a railroad car. |
In the
data processing deprtment about 1963/64. The
man furthest to the right is IBM-engineer
Lars Lundin. The Liberian in the middle is
trainne Josso. Turned towards the camera is
either Ulf Melin, or possibly Bernt Malmkvist. |
2. At the Hospital. |
Nilsson thinks this may be Ray
Robson, waiting for his wife Dot. Can anyone
confirm? |
4. At the Hospital - who is this man? |
5. E-school. Stanny Sweebe is the teacher. |
6. E-school. Who is the teacher? |
7. E-school. The teacher on the left is
'Ceciel' Dennis. |
8. A school building? |
9. E-school outside the toilets and gym
changing rooms. |
10. Teacher? |
11. At the E-School. Why is this group of
men visiting Yekepa so thoroughly? |
12. Recreation Building, in the Ceramics
workshop. The wooden discs on the potters
wheels are still the ones fabricated in Yekepa
- the real ones came a year later. |
13. Recreation building. Bengt Pettersson.
This is before the lumber-shelf was in place
and many of the tools had been wall-mounted.
1965? |
14. Outside Recreation Buidling. Note
heat haze against the Mountain. Who is the
big guy to the right?
15. On the road in Yekepa. |